[PHOTO] Shin Hye's Photoshoot with Hong Kong <新 Monday Magazine

Hong Kong-New Monday Magazine

The article ...

It spoke about Park Shin Hye coming to HK for fan signing session for the first time. After receiving sad news about her grandfather, she continued with the activity shorten, after a short break at the hotel met with media. There was mention of hotties Lee Min Ho, Kim Woo-Bin, Lee Jong-suk and other trend male gods are full of praise for Park Shin Hye. Even during her guesting at "Three Meals a Day" where Lee Seo-jin was generous with praise for Shinhye.
10 years of growth.
Shinhye has worked with Lee Min Ho, Kim Woo-Bin, Lee Jong-suk, Jang Keun Suk et al., And became friends. Her ideal type was mentioned .... Park Shin Hye revealed only hope that her other half needs to have a sense of responsibility for the family, emotionally rich and will take care of harmonious family. Her generosity
【入 得 廚房 出 得 廳堂】 Ai 朴信惠 女神 零 添加 的 宣言
韓國 女星 朴信惠 月中 首次 喺 WTC 歡心, 有 外表 有 內在, 坐穩 新一代 女神 寶座.
10 年 成長
最 想 有份 工
對於自己出現喺綜藝節目《三時三餐》後,由於非常煮得,加上又肯主動做家務,令兩位男主持陷入着迷狀態,更要求朴信惠成為固定主持。朴信惠表示雖然鍾意睇綜藝節目,但自覺藝能感比較弱,所以出演的話,可能會好吃力,當然,有機會都想嘗試啦!至於喺角色上會否再有突破?大概係受到《Pinocchio》嘅影響,所以想做女強人。 「到目前為止,我多數都係飾演同我年齡相符嘅角色,而且多數都好陽光,《Pinocchio》算係我第1次有職業嘅角色,之後如果有機會想試下更女性,或者係專業嘅角色,例如醫生、刑警咁。(咁多角色中,邊個最滿意?)每部作品都有令我成長、令我學習、令我珍惜嘅地方,每參與一部作品,我都感覺自己有跟隨角色一齊成長,所以每次都會因為有所得着而感到好滿足. "

original source: www.nmplus.hk/home/零添加女神朴信惠-愛的宣言/

For more: www.park-shin-hye.com

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